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Cleburne Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

A Cleburne federal criminal defense lawyer may be the resource you need if you are facing federal criminal allegations. These kinds of allegations could lead to some serious criminal charges. Being convicted of aggravated assault, domestic violence, sex crimes, violent crimes, or any other type of felony offense can have very severe lifelong consequences for you and your family. If you are in this position, you should speak with an attorney from immediately for help. Connect with The Law Firm of William A. Walsh today.

Granbury Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

Penalties for Federal Felonies

The penalties for federal felonies can be some of the most severe of all criminal sentencing. For a first-degree felony, you could be facing life in prison, depending on the case. For example, if your crime was considered violent, then that could lead to more prison time than a less serious offense, such as mail or wire fraud.

It is also important to understand how sentencing works in the Texas federal court system. Sentencing only happens after you have been convicted of the crime or decide to plead guilty. If you work with our Cleburne federal criminal defense lawyers, then our job is to keep your case from even reaching this point. Most federal judges in Texas adhere to federal sentencing guidelines. These federal guidelines contain complex mathematical formulas that are used to calculate sentencing.

These formulas allow for the U.S. Probation Office to recommend sentence ranges to the federal judge. Then, there is a period where an experienced federal criminal defense lawyer, such as William A. Walsh, may challenge or object to the sentencing recommendation. For example, an attorney could obtain probation when the federal guidelines recommend years in prison.

Federal Criminal Crimes We Can Help With

Our firm can defend you against each of the following criminal charges.

  • Sex crimes. Being convicted of a sex crime could label you as a sex offender for the rest of your life. This will limit your ability to gain employment, housing, and many other opportunities in life.
  • Homicide or murder. These are some of the most serious of all criminal charges. Being convicted of homicide or murder can come with serious consequences. You will need an experienced attorney to help you defend against these charges.
  • Drug trafficking. Texas has some of the strictest laws surrounding drug trafficking and drug-related crimes. These charges can come with some very serious penalties, and you will need an attorney to defend you against them.
  • Robbery and burglary. These crimes are similar in nature. The key difference is that robbery is the intentional cause of harm to an individual during theft, and burglary is breaking into a building with the intent to steal. These crimes can come with serious prison time, depending on the specific situation.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

It is important to display good behavior throughout the course of your legal case in Cleburne, Texas. You need to remember that you are being watched and evaluated at all times. Anything that you do or say could potentially be used against you in your court case. Some common mistakes to avoid include:

  • Not engaging the right lawyer. You want to make sure to hire the right lawyer to represent you. William A. Walsh has been in practice for over 20 years. Our law firm has successfully represented clients in all types of criminal cases, including DWI, assault, and drug trafficking.
  • Choosing to represent yourself. This may be the greatest mistake that one can make. No matter how strong you believe your case is or how much evidence you believe is stacked in your favor, unless you are an experienced attorney, you are setting yourself up for failure. You could be facing serious life-changing consequences. For your future’s sake, you want to make sure to have a legal professional on your side helping you through your case.
  • Taking advice from friends or family instead of an attorney. The legal process can be a mentally and emotionally challenging process. You may be hearing different things from your family and friends. During this time, you need to prioritize the advice that you are getting from your lawyer. If you choose to work with us, you can be well-suited by our legal guidance.
  • Being unprepared for court. If you are scheduled to appear in court, make sure that you are prepared. Speak with our legal team to go over any details that you are unsure about. When you are in court, it’s important that you represent yourself well and are prepared.
  • Making incriminating statements. Go over your case with our legal team and make sure that you are aware of what to say and what not to say. You should never lie under oath, but you should also avoid saying things that could damage your case. This applies to whether you are in or outside the courtroom.

When You Should Get a Lawyer

The quicker you engage our law firm, the better. As soon as you believe that you are even remotely involved in a federal case, you should contact us immediately for a consultation. It can be hard to tell the seriousness of the case without speaking to an attorney. You want to avoid a situation where you think you are obviously innocent, only to have serious charges brought against you later. Engaging an attorney as early as possible can be beneficial for your case.

If I Am Arrested, Does That Mean That I Am Guilty?

Just because you are arrested by the police does not mean that you are guilty. Being arrested simply means that there was probable cause that you committed or were a part of a federal crime. If you have been arrested, then you should speak with an attorney immediately. You should remember that you do not have to speak to anyone about your case before you speak with a qualified attorney.

The Legal Support You Need

At The Law Firm of William A. Walsh, our legal team has ample experience in helping Texas residents resolve their legal issues. Any time you are facing federal criminal charges, it can be a scary situation. Your life may be changed forever, depending on the outcome of your case. If you are in this situation, you want to make sure that you give yourself a strong defense. Contact us to see how our firm can help you resolve your case.

  • Testimonials Five Stars
    My experience with Mr. William Walsh has been nothing less than extraordinary. From the telephone conversation, our first consultation, to the proceedings, Mr. Walsh was very professional in every aspect. He treated me with understanding to my situation, demonstrated compassion, very honest, very meticulous, and performed with great care and completeness. You and your situation are his motivating force. He was very methodical in every aspect.

    - Bob Coleman

  • Testimonials Five Stars
    People need a family lawyer. I cannot express how good this lawyer is. Very highly recommended. You will definitely get your money’s worth and then some with Mr. Walsh. Very highly recommended! Best of luck!

    - Gabriel Pena



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